Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy lots of things!

This past week was one full of much joy.

July 1st marked Canada Day as well as Tim's birthday. We were blessed to be able to celebrate with our friends in honor of Tim. Of course the event was marked with yummy food, including the CAKE (the ever important ingredient to a successful birthday). Even our relatives the Taylor's took a turn celebrating this great day as they enjoyed their cake as they thought of Tim and of course the homeland.

A few days later, we spent most of the day with many friends as we honored and celebrated the United States of America. There was swimming and fireworks and food and fireworks and volleyball and fireworks. You get the picture. At the end of the day we were blessed to spend time with our friends down at the beach where we watched and participated in a spectacular display of pride for this nation. A great time was had by all.