Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Looking back

Summer has come and gone. There was much traveling to see family. We look back with many fond memories.

We spent time with the Stobbe's and Taylors up at the lake. It was such a great time! Tim thinks that the new dirt bikes are awesome! Isaac thinks one day soon he will get the hang of riding one.

We also spent time in Calgary as we celebrated 60 years with Tina's dad! It was a great time visiting as well as seeing many cousins and aunts.

At the end of August, we were blessed with the chance to spend time with our good friends Chris and Rachel Smolko and their family in Birch Bay. It was a great week of fishing and crabbing! Isaac thoroughly enjoyed going out with Chris in the boat!

We are now back into the routine of life with both kids at school (Megan in preschool) as well as Isaac being in soccer. Tina has continued teaching piano and new this year is helping with the High school youth group. Tim has much on his plate with the new building coming along nicely. Framing is to start in the beginning of October with the hope that we will be in by Spring of 2009. Stay tuned as I am sure that we will keep you up to date.